Sunday, March 22, 2009

#80 Trash or Treasure (Theme #336)

Any of you who do home canning will recognize the "trash" in the upper right of this picture. These canning lids are only usable once, then they have to be thrown away and a new one used the next canning season. My friend, Weezie (owner of the cool, green rock), takes these used lids and makes "treasures" from them. She paints them and puts magnets on the back. These are just a few of the hundred or more she had on hand the day I was there.


Rachel said...

Neat idea and nice photo.

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Enterprise and value adding all wrapped together, and a great shot for you.

Lorri said...

GREAT way to illustrate the theme! And kidos to your friend for keeping the used lids out of the landfill!

Chesney said...

Wow, she is talented, these are really good! Creative take on the theme!

mljrbg said...

I used to do canning but haven't done it in years. I thought these were magnets!!