Friday, February 13, 2009

#44 Broken (Theme #36)

The same windstorm that caused the power outage (resulting in the candles for post #43), also caused this Bradford Pear tree in our front yard to break. Fortunately, it fell away from the house.


jo said...

What a lucky break (excuse the pun) that it didn't land on your house!

Chesney said...

This is too sad - I hate seeing all of these damaged trees!

Rachel said...

I'm so glad your house it safe, but I'm sorry for the tree. I love when the Bradford Pear trees around here bloom.

mljrbg said...

Wow!! Glad there was no damage to your house.

DART said...

yikes! glad it went away from the house, but sad it was damaged like that.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely perfect for the theme and great capture!