Thursday, January 15, 2009

#15 Wheels (Theme #359)

I guess technically this is "wheel"--unless that is a second wheel of some sort hiding in the foliage. I took this at the Visitor Center at Roan Mountain State Park.


Chesney said...

I would say it qualifies as a wheel! Great find and nice picture!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Wow a Green Snow wheel (Do they come in other colours?) complete with sluice, we don't see many of those down here in Australia, now that is using the climate to the utmost. terrifically framed portrait with wonderful colour contrast.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'd say that's a wheely thing. I love the green against the ice and snow. Really nice!


jo said...

Good catch for the theme!

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful snowy shot! I'm glad you included a large version because the small one doesn't do it justice.

Eldon said...

I glanced at this scene when I drove by from the other direction and I think that there are actually three wheels. When I reexamined your picture I can see a second, smaller, green one behind the bushes. So...wheels! (technically ya know)

The third wheel is even smaller, unpainted iron looking and is between the other two--just so you know! ;-P

Since I had thought of using this wheel myself, maybe I'll remember to get a shot showing all three wheels. (Yeah, right, remember!)

Nan said...

Eldon, looking forward to your photo perspective of the same wheel(s)!