Wednesday, February 18, 2009

#49 Logs (Theme #175)

Otherwise known as what is left from post #44. My husband cut up the half a tree that fell in the last storm into logs (firewood).


Chesney said...

Great shot of a before and after! Good use of your tree!!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Well at least there was someone listening when this tree fell in a forest (Sorry Sting)

Clara said...

I really look all of the repeating circles in this picture.

mljrbg said...

Guess it was a good thing/bad thing and now you have more firewood. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

My eyes keep rotating around the round ends of all the logs - good capture for the theme, and nice continuity showing the resolution to post #44

Anonymous said...

Love the textures you've captured! Now this is true recycling!