Thursday, February 26, 2009

#55 Millenium (Theme #184)

This is part of a mural painted on the side of an antique store. I'd been saving this hoping to find out some of the story behind it, but haven't been able to learn anything about it. It has been there since well before the millenium, but not sure what year it was painted.


Chesney said...

Perfect for the theme (and I think this one is a hard one)! Whoever painted this is talented - I have enjoyed it!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

It would appear that the artists believe that you are living in a UFU freeway area, planned for the 21st Century. Great Find I'm jealous.

Candyce said...

Ahhh great find for the millenium theme I am baffled by this one!