Wednesday, April 22, 2009

#110 Peaks or Valleys (Theme #230)

On Friday afternoon, we took our Pathfinders to Warren Dunes State Park. It is located on the shore of Lake Michigan and has a dune formation that rises 260 feet above the lake--with numerous smaller dunes as well. Our group hiked about halfway up this dune (not sure if this is the highest one or not). The group of tiny people in the picture is not our group--we stopped about where this shot was taken.

This is our group playing about where we stopped on the dune in the first picture.


Chesney said...

What a hike! Looks like a glorious day though! I bet the kids had a blast (it was probably just the parents trying to keep up with them)! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot - I remember visiting the Sleeping Bear sand dunes when I was young, growing up in Michigan. This shot brought back some fun memories.